tips on how to prevent graffiti

3 Tips On How To Prevent Graffiti & Vandalism

Some property owners are fortunate and have never dealt with vandalism or graffiti tags showing up on their buildings. Others don’t have such luck. Whether you’re in a highly targeted area or not, there are a few steps that you can take to prevent graffiti from occurring, including:

      1. Keep your property well lit
      2. Install a security system with visible cameras 
      3. Remove any instances of vandalism quickly

A Well Lit Property Prevents Graffiti

More often than not, graffiti will happen under the cover of darkness. Long after your business has closed for the day. It’s harder to be seen at night and there is usually less foot traffic. Both add up to the perfect recipe for graffiti. 

An easy way to deter vandalism and prevent graffiti is to make sure that your property is well lit.
Our recommendation is to install lights activated by a motion sensor and adding more fixtures in secluded areas with a dawn/dusk timer. If your property has been tagged before, we highly recommend installing a motion sensor light where previous incidents have taken place to further deter repeat attempts.

Install A Security System With Visible Cameras

Adding cameras and signage around your property that advertises video surveillance is a great way to deter vandalism and other criminal activity. Yes, there will always be exceptions to the rule, but for the most part, vandalism is an opportunistic crime. 

Plus, installing security cameras at strategic spots will not only act as a vandalism deterrent. The footage from the cameras can help you identify ongoing threats and supply police with footage in the event that a tag does happen.

When Graffiti Happens, Remove It Quickly

Addressing the removal of graffiti tags quickly is essential in preventing future tags from occurring. It sends the message loud and clear that you won’t tolerate vandalism and all tags will be removed right away. 

Additionally, when combined with employing the tactics above, vandals will get the message and move on to more opportunistic properties. Removing graffiti quickly has more benefits too including making removal more of a success  – check out those added benefits here.

Have You Been Hit With Graffiti?

Our team of graffiti specialists are here to help! Contact us today.
3 Benefits Of Removing Graffiti Quickly

3 Benefits Of Removing Graffiti Quickly

Time Is Of The Essence

Why should graffiti removal be addressed right away? It’s simple. The faster that you remove graffiti from your property, the higher the success rate of that removal will be.

Think of graffiti like a red wine stain (or any spill for that matter) on your carpet or clothing. The quicker that you address that stain, the easier it is to get it out. If you let it sit and dry into the fabric, it will become harder to remove. Over time, the elements can bake the paint into the surface beneath it. Especially in hot, sunny weather. This can make the removal process more challenging.

It’s also important to acknowledge the surface that has been tagged plays a part in the graffiti removal process as well. Certain surfaces are more porous than others, so time is of the essence.

Quick Removal Can Prevent Future Tags

It’s been proven that removing graffiti within 48 hours of its application can prevent its reoccurrence. Leaving graffiti on your building is like putting up a big flashing marquee to attract vandals – it signals that you don’t value your property and thus you become a target. 

A clean property will not only look better from the street, but can also preserve a sense of security and prevent new vandalism from taking place. While we cannot guarantee that quick and expedient graffiti removal will be 100% iron clad in deterring future tags, it sends the message to the vandal that their artwork is not permissible on your property.

Graffiti Is Bad For Business

Whether you have a trusted customer base or not, vandalism is synonymous with a lack of security. This can deter your customers from visiting your establishment and ultimately impact your bottom line. As mentioned above, tackling graffiti removal quickly can aid in preventing new tags from occurring. But most importantly, it fosters a positive brand image and provides a safe space for both your customers, tenants and employees. 

Graffiti removal can be tricky, but you don’t have to go it alone. We’re here to help!